Monday, July 11, 2011

winter 2010 in KOREA

hye hye!
let's go to korea!

Day 1
gyeongbokgung palace

Day 2
lotte world

Day 3

Day 4
Namsan tower

Day 6
JYP studio

coffee prince's shop

that's all for now. caio!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Election di Soton

busy2. kejap2 nak kena dengar orang tu punya manifesto. kejap2 orang ni datang menyemak dalam lecture nak promote diri. pastu bila nak pegi uni shop je mesti penuh depan tu dengan orang2 yang nak bertanding macam2 jawatan. haih. penat jugak jadi pengundi ye. haha.

tapi fun la tengok diorang semangat bertanding ni. banner la poster la crews la sume nye duk merata2 je dalam uni ni. sampai atas pedestrians pon ada haa papan promote diri. habis la aku pijak2. sebab tau dah, diorang letak situ memang untuk aku pijak pon. hihi.

kalau ikutkan dalam banyak2 tu ada sorang je kot yang menarik minat aku. dia gelar diri dia pakcik sam. manifesto dia pon macam best. dengar citer dia macam titik beratkan jugak untuk international student ni. kalau ta silap, dia macam menjanjikan prayer room yang lagi besar kalau dia menang. bagus tak, bagus tak? pakcik sam ni pon budak postgrad chemistry. bertambah2 lagi la reason aku untuk vote dia. sempai kot. tee hee. oleh itu selamat menang pakcik sam. ;)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Susah-susah Je

geh. penat2, kenapa ye bila makin bertambah sem makin susah benda yang dibelajar. sebelum2 ni belajar dari reactant macam mana nak dapat product. tapi sekarang belajar dari product, reactant apa yang hasilkan product. dia da jadi terbalik da. kalau possibility untuk reactant tu memang ada satu je tape la. ni nak kena consider reactant tu mungkin akan react2 lagi dengan yang lain pastu keluar apa la. haih. haih. haih. banyak nya merungut. sungguh ta bagus untuk kesihatan. =.=

kalau ikutkan ada lagi yang mencabar dari yang ini, sem ni kena approach real-world problems pulak. ye la, memang la apa yang dibelajar ni kita memang guna untuk real world. kalau ta, apa guna belajar penat2 kan. ta kan la untuk dapat first class degree semata (amin). tapi masalahnya la, sungguh pelik2 real-world problems ni. kejap2 kena kira mass meteor la, pastu cari bila earth ni start hidup la. lagi tu siap jadi penasihat fire fighter lagi. (sebelum ni aku ingat chemist ni main2 dengan molecules je la, sekali boleh jugak jadi fire-fighter advisor) and kira2 kalau ko stranded dekat antartik nu, bape lama dapat hidup dengan makan corpse je. haish haish haish. (da bertambah satu huruf bila merungut) huhu.

tapi nak buat macam mana kan. mana ada benda yang senang dalam dunia ni. (benda free pon da ta de, kata orang la) da ini yang aku pilih, ini jugak la yang aku kena tempuh sampai habis. sekarang ni aku rasa nak belajar makin susah pon sebab aku da jadi ketagih gila nak tengok anime. tengah2 study pon aku sempat lagi nak plan tengok anime apa. ini la padah nya bila internet laju macam apa. (maaf, masih belum jumpa perbandingan untuk beliau) sekarang aku baru je siap buat assignment untuk thermodynamic and equilibrium. tutorial organic pon aku da jawab jugak. so tinggal lab report dengan tutorial inorganic je lagi. semangat aku la ni berkobar2 gila nak tengok FMA : Brotherhood. (maaf la bukan berkobar2 nak revise 1st year punya module) isk isk isk.

padahal kalau ikutkan sebelum ni aku bukan main semangat lagi nak revise balik semua2 yang aku da belajar. tapi semangat tinggal semangat je la. tunggu masa je bila semangat tu nak berkobar balik. huuu.. ok la, nak pegi tengok anime pulak. nanti petang2 nak kena bersih toilet pulak. (bertugas bersihkan toilet this week)

btw, today is my sister's bitrhday. so.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

bunyi guitar

best kan kalau pandai main alat muzik. best kan kalau dapat je apa2, terus pandai main ta payah nak belajar2 notes la chords la. best kan kalau diri tu tensai/genius (prodigy). huish. sekarang ni tetiba terasa macam nak main guitar je. tangan pon da macam tergatal2 je nak masuk ebay cari guitar murah2 satu. (ceh ingat tangan gatal2 nak main guitar, masuk ebay je pon. huh) cuma tinggal ta terbeli2 je lagi. ta dapat lah nak imagine betapa cool and macho nya diri ni bila balik2 malaysia je dapat main lagu barang sekeping dua. FUHLAHMAK! cair doh jejaka yang memandang. erk.

tapi masalahnya diri ini bukan la tensai dan seangkatan dengannya, yang bila dapat je guitar terus dapat main lagu meletop2. ufufufu. maka sebelum nak dapat main dengan skill level tertinggi kena la tahu basic dulu kan. haaa, tu part yang malas tu (bukan lagi masalah ye, tapi malas). bila da beli guitar tu confirm2 la kena practise. kalau setakat beli buat decoration a.k.a semak dalam bilik je baik ta payah. buang duit, buang space je. tch tch tch.

hurmm.. kenapa la tetiba minat nak main guitar ye. kenapa ta piano ke, ta drum ke, ta clarinate ke or mengapa tidak serunding eh silap, kenapa tidak seruling? sebab nya, piano and drum tu confirm2 la mahal. mana la aku nak korek duit nak beli and confirm lah mereka itu sangat besar lagi berat, ta mampu2. tapi serunding eh asyik2 serunding je, lapo ke apo ekau ni. huuu. ok2 kenapa tidak seruling or clarinate? sebabnya dua mendalah ni kena meniup and memang da tau dah paru2 aku ni ta de la besar sangat nak sedut udara banyak2. ceh, yakin je. haha. ok la, kenapa guitar ye. sebab nye lah lately ni aku asyik duk tertengok prodigy yang pandai main guitar je. mungkin kalau tertengok prodigy yang ke arah kompang, angklung or gamelan, mungkin diri ini akan mempunyai tendency ke situ pula. MUNGKIN.

tambah2 lagi housemate aku pon ada guitar jugak. bila masuk bilik dia je mesti aku kelentang kelentung kan guitar dia (case buta notes/chords)so terasa terliur pulak la nak ada guitar sendiri. maka di sini, mungkin aku juga tidak lama lagi bakal memiliki guitar sendiri. MUNGKIN. ditegaskan lagi. mungkin jugak tidak lama lagi aku pandai main macam abang sulong aku. MUNGKIN ye. penegasan lagi. huhu. dia tu aku tatau la play by notes ke by ears. kagum betul aku.

oh ya, kebetulan tu alang2 da masuk topik ni, nak simpan la kat blog ni dua manusia yang aku terjumpa memang masyuk gila bila main guitar. eventho yang second tu pelakon je, but still dia tetap masyuk.


SungHa Jung!

August Rush!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


my emotions got into me.

it's not supposed to be that way.

i've no right to be angry.

how i wish we never started it.

how i wish we can go back to those days.

how i miss the times we laugh together happily.

i can't wish happiness for you.

i can't say these words to you.

vain got into me more than anything.

let's forget it.

sorry. sorry. sorry.

i know i'll regret it some day.

but, as for now let's just wait until that day come by itself.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sen No Yoru Wo Koete

Insya allah, this will be my last post of the broken hearted girl.

I want to be loved, but you don’t seem to love me
I wander within that repetition
I found one answer; that even if I’m scared, even if I’m hurt
I can say “I love you” to the person who I love

Do you love me? Or not love me?
As for things like that, it’s already fine either way
No matter how I wish
There are many unchangeable things in this world, right?
That’s right, and because only the fact of my loving you
Is the truth unchangeable by anyone

I want to overcome the thousands of nights and tell it to you
There’s something that I must tell you
I want to be loved, but you don’t seem to love me
I wander within that repetition
I found one answer; that even if I’m scared
Even if I’m hurt, I can say “I love you” to the person who I love
It’s scary to turn my feelings into words
But I can say “I love you” to the person who I love

In this broad world, I can’t express the joy of encountering you with words
So we smile, sing about the vividly passing autumn in do-re-mi
Turn our backs on winter,
wait for the sunlight streaming through trees in spring
And become reborn anew,
so that we can protect someone

On the path we came from and our destination,
when we looked back, I’d always have timid eyes
I want to face you, but I can’t be honest
I, who repeated days of not being able to straightforwardly love my partner
And hated being alone on that day
Seemed to love people while unwounded

I’ll overcome the thousands of nights and go meet you now
There is something that I must tell you
I want to be loved, but you don’t seem to love me
I wander within that repetition
I found one answer; that even if I’m scared
Even if I’m hurt, I can say “I love you” to the person who I love
Even if those thoughts aren’t fulfilled,
I can say “I love you” to the person who I love

Saturday, February 5, 2011


There’s nothing more frightening
Than losing something you’ve obtained
To want anything and everything
That is the pledge of those led astray
Do you wish
For someone to understand you?
You sought for it again, why did you give it up?

I wonder when that loud throbbing of my heart stopped
And disappeared so easily away

Friday, February 4, 2011


sekarang da masuk sem baru. just harap semangat study lepas exam hari tu ta pupus lagi, moga 2 masih melekat la semua benda yang da baca sebelum ni.

"i'm still waiting for the sunshine.
guess it's only shine in my mind."

Monday, January 31, 2011


i always wondered why it was only me
who had it this hard
when everyone around me always looked so happy
however when i spoke with u
it made me feel better, even if only a bit
maybe it's because u were able to sympathize with me
sometimes unknown troubles
seem to come at us all at once
like a monster trying to crush our resolve
but there are becoming
more and more people
who i can say that i'm glad to have met
and that feeling is always with me
whether we are encouraging each other or being mean
now together we are on our way to a place
that neither of us could reach on our own.

Friday, January 28, 2011


there's so much going on inside.
somehow she doesn't know how to repress it anymore.
can one realize that she's done wrong after a long period of time?
can one just forgive and forget?
how she wishes she can do that.
how she hopes she can just disappear.
if only there is no starting point, then there will be no ending.
if only hope is not with her, then she wouldn't know despair.